Changelog #0082
Follow along with updates and improvements made to Railway
Follow us on TwitterMay 20, 2022
Commit Status Checks
GitHub Commits now have a status check to indicate the status of the Railway build. This was previously just a feature for PR deploys but now it is enabled for all commits that auto deploy to Railway.

Private Repos Restored For Starter Plan
Last Changelog, we restricted users ability on the Free Plan to deploy Private Repos. This was introduced as a measure aimed to limit abuse on the platform. Our original intent was to make it easy to audit code from users with seemingly suspicious workloads. This backfired.
We got an overwhelming amount of feedback on this change and realized we swung too far. It ended up stopping legitimate users trying to use Railway. We thank our users for their feedback and apologize for the error. We have now since reverted that change.
Railway depends on continued input from the community and we have learned that we should practice greater transparency into coming changes that impact the experience for our users. As such: we have an open RFC on our out-standing proposals on changes to the Starter plan. Comments are encouraged and appreciated, you can open a thread in the #feedback channel on our Discord for comments on the doc.
Thank you for your understanding and patience while we continue to try to build a better platform for developers like you. ❤️
Nixpacks Updates
Nixpacks continues to be updated and is still a core focus of Railway. Some of the new features includes
Keep the feedback coming within our Discord. We would also like to thank all of our community contributors thus far!

Next week Nixpacks will be usable by all users which is the next step to becoming the default builder for all apps. Please keep your feedback and bug reports coming!