Changelog #0100
Follow along with updates and improvements made to Railway
Follow us on TwitterSep 23, 2022
Welcome to a very special changelog! This is changelog #100. We’ve been doing this once a week, for 100 weeks. That’s absolutely wild.
RFC: Public API
Our goal with Railway is to construct a fully composable mesh network for your software. We want to be able to have all your systems connect, communicate, and coordinate together all in one place (whether they’re on Railway’s infrastructure or not!)
One half of this equation is Templates. Having a rich network of Templates where you can say “I want a Golang GRPC server”
The other half of this equation is allowing you to orchestrate your infrastructure through our API. What if you wanted to dynamically spin up and down instances based on metrics? Have a server running which will hold your connection open, spin up an instance while you’re using it, and close it down after X minutes?
And what if you put those two together? Oh the places you’ll go
We have a baseline of our Public API working internally that we’re aiming to ship in October. What would you want to see from it?
Let us know on our Feedback Item!
In our last community call, we heard an overwhelming desire of “Tell us what you’re building!”. We completed our quarterly planning a week or so ago, so here’s a rough, non exhaustive list of what we’ve got in store for the next 3-6 months, as well as their public feedback items
Following this, we will be moving onto Persistent Storage Primitives and merging the concept of Templates and Plugins
See something missing you think we should be building?
Let us know our Feedback board!
Banner Notifications
We really want to be communicating with our users, ALL the time. We never want to be that hosting provider where you have to ask “Is this thing broken? Why are my builds slow?” and then get gaslit by an All Green status page
As a result, we call a nice chunk of events on our platform. This includes degredations, investigations, and, in the rare unfortunate case, incidents
We have ways to communicate this over Discord, but we’ve added a banner on the site to help with this

Improvements and Fixes
There are no improvements. The platform is perfect now
Just kidding. We’re heads down on deep work to ship more amazing stuff