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Automate code & data workflows with interactive notebooks
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Livebook is a web application for writing interactive and collaborative code notebooks. It features:
Code notebooks with Markdown support and Code cells where Elixir code is evaluated on demand.
Rich code editor through CodeMirror: with support for autocompletion, inline documentation, code formatting, etc.
Interactive results via Kino: display Vega-Lite charts, tables, maps, and more.
Automation: use Smart cells to perform high-level tasks and write notebooks faster than ever. Query databases, plot charts, build maps, and more directly from Livebook's UI.
Reproducible: Livebook ensures your code runs in a predictable order, all the way down to package management. It also tracks your notebook state, annotating which parts are stale.
Collaboration: multiple users can work on the same notebook at once, no additional setup required.
Decentralized: Livebook is open-source and you can run it anywhere. The "Run in Livebook" badge makes it easy to import any Livebook into your own Livebook.
Versionable: notebooks are stored in the .livemd
format, which is a subset of Markdown with support for diagrams via Mermaid and for mathematical formulas via KaTex. .livemd
files can be shared and play well with version control.
Custom runtimes: when executing Elixir code, you can either start a fresh Elixir instance, connect to an existing node, or run it inside an existing Elixir project, with access to all of its modules and dependencies. This means Livebook can be a great tool to introspect and document existing projects too.
Default password can be found in the environment variables.
Livebook is built to document and execute code. Anyone with access to a Livebook instance will be able to access any file and execute any code in the machine Livebook is running.
- sets a password that must be used to access Livebook. Must be at least 12 characters. Defaults to token authentication.LIVEBOOK_PORT
- sets the port Livebook runs on. Defaults to 8080.Template Content
Created on Mar 27, 2024
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