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A basic ASP.NET Core Web API template (.NET 8)

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.NET8 Web API Template with Scalar Documentation

.Net C#

This project demonstrates a simple Web API built with ASP.NET Core targeting .NET 8, showcasing interactive API documentation using Scalar.

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Live Demonstration

This template offers a live demonstration of the API's functionality through the integrated Scalar UI. This interactive environment provides a hands-on experience for understanding and testing the API endpoints.

Access the Live API Demonstration: View Interactive Demo

Getting Started

Follow these steps to run the Web API example on your local machine.


  • .NET SDK 8.0 - Make sure you have the .NET SDK 8.0 installed to build and run ASP.NET Core applications. This project is built and tested using .NET 8.

Running the Application

  1. Clone the repository: If you haven't already, clone this GitHub repository to your local machine.
git clone
cd DotNet8.ScalarWebApi
  1. Run the application: Execute the following dotnet CLI command to start the Web API:
 dotnet run
  1. Access API Documentation: Once the application is running, you can access the API documentation through your web browser:
    • Scalar UI: Open your browser and navigate to the /scalar endpoint. For example: https://localhost:5001/scalar/v1 or http://localhost:5000/scalar/v1. The specific port will be shown in the console output when you run the application.

    • OpenAPI JSON: The raw OpenAPI document in JSON format is available at /openapi/v1.json. For example: https://localhost:5001/openapi/v1.json

API Endpoints

The HelloWorldController in this example provides the following endpoints:

  • GET /HelloWorld

    • Description: Returns a simple "Hello World! 🍡" greeting message.

    • Response Example (200 OK):

      Hello World! 🍡
  • GET /HelloWorld/echo

    • Description: This endpoint echoes back the message provided in the message query parameter.

    • Query Parameters:

      • message (string, required): The message you want to be echoed.
    • Request Example:

    • Response Example (200 OK):

      Echo: YourTestMessage
    • Error Response (400 Bad Request):

      • Condition: If the message query parameter is missing or empty.

      • Response Body:

        Please provide a message to echo.

Key Files

Here are the key code files for this template:

  • Program.cs: The main application startup file, configuring services and middleware, including Scalar for API documentation.

  • Controllers/HelloWorldController.cs: Defines the HelloWorldController with the API endpoints.

        public class HelloWorldController(ILogger logger) : ControllerBase {  
            [HttpGet] [Route("")]// Matches GET requests to /HelloWorld  
            public IActionResult GetHelloWorld() {  
                logger.LogInformation("Hello World endpoint was hit.");  
                return Ok("Hello World! 🍡");  

Scalar Configuration

Scalar API documentation is configured in Program.cs using the app.MapScalarApiReference extension method.

    opt => {
        opt.Title = "WebApi with Scalar Example";
        opt.Theme = ScalarTheme.BluePlanet;
        opt.DefaultHttpClient = new(ScalarTarget.Http, ScalarClient.Http11);
  • Title: Sets the title of the documentation displayed in the Scalar UI (e.g., "WebApi Example").
  • Theme: Applies the BluePlanet theme to customize the appearance of the Scalar UI.
  • DefaultHttpClient: Configures the default HTTP client settings for Scalar.


This project relies on the following NuGet packages:


This template is a basic example to help you get started with building ASP.NET Core Web APIs using .NET 8 and documenting them with Scalar. Feel free to use and modify it for your own projects.

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Created on Feb 9, 2025

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