
Shipping great products is hard. Scaling infrastructure is easy.

Railway simplifies your infra stack with a single, scalable, easy-to-use platform.

SyncCreateActivityNov 12 00:00:00Nov 12 00:00:10Nov 12 00:00:20Nov 12 00:00:30Nov 12 00:00:40Nov 12 00:00:50Nov 12 00:01:00Nov 12 00:01:10Nov 12 00:01:20Nov 12 00:01:30Nov 12 00:01:40Nov 12 00:01:50Nov 12 00:02:00Nov 12 00:02:10Nov 12 00:02:20Nov 12 00:02:30Nov 12 00:02:40Nov 12 00:02:50Nov 12 00:03:00Nov 12 00:03:10Nov 12 00:03:20Nov 12 00:03:30Nov 12 00:03:40Nov 12 00:03:50Nov 12 00:04:00Nov 12 00:04:10Nov 12 00:04:20Nov 12 00:04:30Nov 12 00:04:40Nov 12 00:04:50Nov 12 00:05:00Nov 12 00:05:10Nov 12 00:05:20Nov 12 00:05:30Nov 12 00:05:40Nov 12 00:05:50Nov 12 00:06:00Nov 12 00:06:10Nov 12 00:06:20Nov 12 00:06:30Nov 12 00:06:40Nov 12 00:06:50Nov 12 00:07:00Nov 12 00:07:10Nov 12 00:07:20Nov 12 00:07:30Nov 12 00:07:40Nov 12 00:07:50Nov 12 00:08:00Nov 12 00:08:10Nov 12 00:08:20Nov 12 00:08:30Nov 12 00:08:40Nov 12 00:08:50Nov 12 00:09:00Nov 12 00:09:10Nov 12 00:09:20Nov 12 00:09:30Nov 12 00:09:40Nov 12 00:09:50Nov 12 00:10:00Nov 12 00:10:10Nov 12 00:10:20Nov 12 00:10:30Nov 12 00:10:40Nov 12 00:10:50Nov 12 00:11:00Nov 12 00:11:10Nov 12 00:11:20Nov 12 00:11:30Nov 12 00:11:40Nov 12 00:11:50Nov 12 00:12:00Nov 12 00:12:10============================Starting Build with Nixpacks============================#3 [stage-0 1/12] FROM ghcr.io/railwayapp/nixpacks:ubuntu-1727136237#3 resolve ghcr.io/railwayapp/nixpacks:ubuntu-1727136237#3 DONE 0.0s#4 [stage-0 2/12] WORKDIR /app/#4 CACHED#7 [ 3/10] COPY .nixpacks/nixpkgs-e05605ec414618eab4a7a6aea8b38f6fbbcc8f08.nix .nixpacks/nixpkgs-e05605ec414618eab4a7a6aea8b38f6fbbcc8f08.nix#7 DONE 0.6s#8 [ 4/10] RUN nix-env -if .nixpacks/nixpkgs-e05605ec414618eab4a7a6aea8b38f6fbbcc8f08.nix && nix-collect-garbage -d#8 DONE 0.6s#12 [ 6/10] RUN yarn install --frozen-lockfile#12 0.356 yarn install v1.22.22#12 0.425 [1/5] Validating package.json...#12 0.428 [2/5] Resolving packages...#12 0.668 [3/5] Fetching packages...#12 23.41 [4/5] Linking dependencies...#12 32.87 [5/5] Building fresh packages...#12 35.78 Done in 35.43s.#12 DONE 36.2s#13 [ 7/10] COPY . /app/.#13 DONE 0.9s#14 [ 8/10] RUN yarn migrate:deploy && yarn generate && yarn build#14 0.312 yarn run v1.22.22#14 0.343 $ prisma migrate deploy#14 1.028 Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma#14 1.031 Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "railway", schema "public" at "postgres.railway.interal:5432"#14 1.304 No pending migrations to apply.#14 1.336 Done in 1.03s.#14 1.601 $ prisma generate#14 2.280 Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma#14 3.497 $ contentlayer build && next build#14 8.614 Generated 133 documents in .contentlayer#14 44.99 ✓ Compiled successfully#14 44.99 Collecting page data ...#14 48.21 ✓ Generating static pages (3/3)#14 49.01 Finalizing page optimization ...#14 61.72 Route (pages) Size First Load JS#14 61.72 ┌ ○ / (414 ms) 177 B 164 kB#14 61.72 ├ /_app 0 B 164 kB#14 61.72 ├ ƒ /[...slug] 178 kB 342 kB#14 61.72 ├ ○ /404 (406 ms) 2.23 kB 166 kB#14 61.72 + First Load JS shared by all 164 kB#14 61.72 ├ chunks/framework-2c16ac744b6cdea6.js 45.2 kB#14 61.72 ├ chunks/main-9cfb38678fbef8c0.js 39 kB#14 61.72 ├ chunks/pages/_app-379ff2992e37d16f.js 77.9 kB#14 61.72 └ other shared chunks (total) 2.03 kB#14 61.72 ○ (Static) prerendered as static content#14 61.72 ƒ (Dynamic) server-rendered on demand#14 DONE 1.0sBuild time: 20s====================Starting Healthcheck====================Path: /healthRetry window: 5m0s1/1 replicas never became healthy!Healthcheck successful!1/1 replicas never became healthy!Healthcheck successful!Date (GMT-6)MessageDetailsBuild LogsDeploy LogsHTTP LogsFilter logs using "", (), AND, OR, -Successful deployment (2:06)ONLINEDeploying › Creating ContainersDEPLOYINGbackend23rr2v9Nov 12, 2024 - 9:11 AMDeployment Successful!backend was deployed successfu...Starting deployment...backend deployment started!Just deployed via GitHubBuilding...Deploying...backendWhat are we going to deploy today?Deploy from GitHub RepoDeploy a TemplateDeploy PostgreSQLDeploy RedisDeploy MongoDB Deploy MySQLEmpty Projectrailwayapp / clirailwayapp / nixpacksrailwayapp / docsrailwayapp / manifestsrailwayapp / forumsrailwayapp / monorailwayapp / backendConfigure GitHub AppSelect a repository to deployDeploy GitHub RepoDeploy your app to production effortlesslyNew ProjectArchitectureObservabilityLogsSettingsSharegravy-truckproductionDashboardNew Project
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Build and Deploy

Craft full-stack applications with a powerful visual canvas

Railway deploys any combination of services, volumes, and databases from GitHub or Docker. Learn More->


docker logohelm logoheroku logodigitalocean logocloudrun logo
SyncCreateActivityArchitectureObservabilityLogsSettingsShareglorious-hippoproductionSyncCreateActivitypg-datapostgresDeployed via Docker ImageBuilding.../bitnamiMetabasemtbase-prod.up.railway.appDeployed via Docker ImageBuilding...Metabase/bitnamiredisDeployed via Docker ImageBuilding...frontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appDeployed just nowBuilding...3 ReplicasbackendDeployed just nowBuilding...ArchitectureObservabilityLogsSettingsShareproject_nameproductionSyncCreateActivityackee analyticsackee-prod.up.railway.appDeployed via Docker ImageBuilding...pg-datapostgresDeployed via Docker ImageBuilding...3 ReplicasbackendDeployed just nowBuilding...api gatewayapi-prod.up.railway.appDeployed just nowBuilding...frontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appDeployed just nowBuilding...ArchitectureObservabilityLogsSettingsShareusable-spoonproductionSyncCreateActivityNext in 12m[CRON] Batch uploadReady to RunBuilding...pg-datapostgresDeployed via Docker ImageBuilding.../bitnamiredisDeployed via Docker ImageBuilding...BackendBackend (Worker)Deployed just nowBuilding...frontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appDeployed just nowBuilding...Backend (Server)Deployed just nowBuilding...ArchitectureObservabilityLogsSettingsShareglorious-hippoproduction

Network and Connect

Interconnect apps seamlessly with highly performant networking

Railway provides automated service discovery, blazing fast networking, and support for any protocol, all out of the box. Learn More->


envoy logocilium logonginx logoistio logohaproxy logo
pg-datapostgresJust deployedbackendJust deployedackee analyticsackee-prod.up.railway.appJust deployedapi gatewayapi-prod.up.railway.appJust deployedfrontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust deployed

Scale and Grow

Scale your applications with intuitive vertical and horizontal scaling

Railway dynamically scales servers, storage, and networking to meet application demands. Learn More->


kubernetes logoamazon-ecs logonomad logobetterstack logo

Monitor and Observe

Fix code faster with configurable observability

Railway provides logging, monitoring, machine profiling, and trend inspection without any code changes. Learn More->


datadog logosentry logoopentele logo
SaveCancelNewEdit10 Days agoCPU Usage2.5 vCPU2.0 vCPU1.5 vCPU1.0 vCPU0.5 vCPU0 vCPUSep 4Sep 7Sep 10Sep 1325 GB20 GB15 GB10 GB5 GB0 BSep 4Sep 7Sep 10Sep 13Memory UsageFrontend hit/error25 K20 K15 K10 K5 K0 KSep 4Sep 7Sep 10Sep 1350 GB40 GB30 GB20 GB10 GB0 BSep 4Sep 7Sep 10Sep 13Disk Usage5XX Errors2.5 K2 K1.5 K1 K0.5 K0 KSep 4Sep 7Sep 10Sep 13Network Egress25 GB20 GB15 GB10 GB5 GB0 BSep 4Sep 7Sep 10Sep 13Error logsError: No route matches URL "/contact/"frontendSep 12 14:56:49 at getInternalRouterError (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:4843:5) frontendSep 12 14:56:49 at Object.query (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:3037:19) frontendSep 12 14:56:49 at /app/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/@remix-run/express/dist/server.js:41:2frontendSep 12 14:56:49Error: No route matches URL "//test/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml"cmsSep 13 11:48:32 at getInternalRouterError (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:4843:5)cmsSep 13 11:48:32 at Object.query (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:3037:19)cmsSep 13 11:48:32 at handleDocumentRequest (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runticmsSep 13 11:48:32 at requestHandler (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/distcmsSep 13 11:48:32Date (GMT-6)ServiceMessageArchitectureObservabilityLogsSettingsSharebackyard-rocketshipproductionAdd ItemName this item...+ Add DescriptionCPU UsageError Logs2.5 vCPU2.0 vCPU1.5 vCPU1.0 vCPU0.5 vCPU0 vCPUSep 4Sep 7Sep 10Sep 13upstream image response failed for https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amahugoSep 13 11:48:32upstream image response failed for https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amahugoSep 13 11:48:32https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazoupstream image response failed for docsSep 12 13:39:21https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazoupstream image response failed for docsSep 12 13:39:29Error: No route matches URL "/contact/"frontendSep 12 14:56:49 at getInternalRouterError (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]frontendSep 12 14:56:49 at Object.query (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modufrontendSep 12 14:56:49 at /app/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected][email protected]_typescrifrontendSep 12 14:56:49Error: No route matches URL "//test/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml"cmsSep 13 11:48:32 at getInternalRouterError (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]cmsSep 13 11:48:32 at Object.query (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_moducmsSep 13 11:48:32 at handleDocumentRequest (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/@remix-run+server-runtimecmsSep 13 11:48:32 at requestHandler (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]_cmsSep 13 11:48:32Date (GMT -6)ServiceMessageCPULogsall@service:error@level:New ItemCPUMemoryNetworkDiskLogsProject Stats

Evolve and Collaborate

Accelerate your development lifecycle with collaboration

Railway is designed for small or large teams and applications of arbitrary complexity. Learn More->


terraform logospacelift logo
productiondevelopmentfrontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubfrontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubbackendJust now via GitHubpg-diskpostgresJust deployed via Docker im...frontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubbackendJust now via GitHubworker 1Just now via GitHubworker 2Just now via GitHubpg-diskpostgresJust deployed via Docker im...frontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubapiapi-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubworker 1Just now via GitHubworker 2Just now via GitHubpg-diskpostgresJust deployed via Docker im...frontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubumamiumami-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubapiapi-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubgravy-truckproductionfrontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubbackendJust now via GitHubgravy-truckdevelopmentpg-diskpostgresJust deployed via Docker im...frontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubbackendJust now via GitHubgravy-truckdevelopmentworker 1Just now via GitHubworker 2Just now via GitHubpg-diskpostgresJust deployed via Docker im...frontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubapiapi-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubgravy-truckdevelopmentworker 1Just now via GitHubworker 2Just now via GitHubpg-diskpostgresJust deployed via Docker im...frontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubumamiumami-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubapiapi-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubgravy-truckdevelopmentworker 1Just now via GitHubworker 2Just now via GitHubpg-diskpostgresJust deployed via Docker im...frontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubumamiumami-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubdocsdocs-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubapiapi-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubgravy-truckdevelopmentworker 1Just now via GitHubworker 2Just now via GitHubpg-diskpostgresJust deployed via Docker im...frontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubumamiumami-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubdocsdocs-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubapiapi-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubgravy-truckdevelopmentworker 1Just now via GitHubworker 2Just now via GitHubpg-diskpostgresJust deployed via Docker im...frontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubumamiumami-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubapiapi-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubgravy-truckdevelopmentworker 1Just now via GitHubworker 2Just now via GitHubpg-diskpostgresJust deployed via Docker im...frontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubumamiumami-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubdocsdocs-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubapiapi-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubgravy-truckdevelopmentworker 1Just now via GitHubworker 2Just now via GitHubpg-diskpostgresJust deployed via Docker im...frontendfrontend-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubumamiumami-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubapiapi-prod.up.railway.appJust now via GitHubgravy-truckdevelopment

Trusted by the best in business

Railway supports great software teams wherever they are. Hear from some of the teams building their products on Railway.


"Railway is where we host all of our backend services along with our databases. It's been an integral part of our infrastructure since the very beginning."

Paul O'Carroll, Founder & CEO at Arcol

Paul O'Carroll

Founder & CEO at Arcol


"Railway is a game changer for us.

We're currently serving more than 80,000 developers with a small team... every minute spent on infrastructure is a minute we're not building the best email product in the world.

If it wasn't for Railway, I don't think we would be able to grow as fast as we are today. "

Zeno Rocha, Founder & CEO at Resend

Zeno Rocha

Founder & CEO at Resend

Drifting in Space

"Even though we already have an internal Kubernetes cluster and infrastructure-as-code setup, we decided to go with Railway so that we weren't spending time writing YAML files when we could be working on the product."

Paul Butler, Founder, Drifting in Space

Paul Butler

Founder, Drifting in Space


"The flexibility and ability for automation with Railway helps us move fast and continuously deploy to production with confidence."

Saurabh Bhatia, Engineering Manager at Paloma Group

Saurabh Bhatia

Engineering Manager at Paloma Group

…and loved by developers

Join nearly 1M developers building with Railway ->

Twitter avatar for Bob Jones

Bob Jones


Installed @umami_software with @Railway in 60 seconds. Then did it again on AWS with a new Ubuntu 24 instance, Docker, Nginx, Postgres, Certbot and Cloudflare in 60 minutes.

Twitter avatar for Fabio Coelho

Fabio Coelho


this week I swapped @heroku with @Railway, no more annoying redis/postgres obligatory updates anymore.. in love with Railway's docker support

Twitter avatar for Lyes



There is an easier option. Deploying literally anything on @Railway

Twitter avatar for Benjamin Klieger

Benjamin Klieger


“Ship your apps, databases, and more to production in seconds.”@Railway is not exaggerating, it’s a breeze to deploy. Bringing Infinite Bookshelf online with a custom domain took minutes… and that just because I had to create a Dockerfile!

Twitter avatar for kinsyu



Addicted to organising my services in @Railway

Twitter avatar for Sam Newby

Sam Newby


The UX in deploying a new app on @Railway is probably the best I’ve ever used. Spinning up a new MySQL database was so easy and fast.

Twitter avatar for flavio



I'm using @Railway_App to get a PostgreSQL database in the cloud and tbh it feels like magic

Twitter avatar for Bob Jones

Bob Jones


Installed @umami_software with @Railway in 60 seconds. Then did it again on AWS with a new Ubuntu 24 instance, Docker, Nginx, Postgres, Certbot and Cloudflare in 60 minutes.

Twitter avatar for Fabio Coelho

Fabio Coelho


this week I swapped @heroku with @Railway, no more annoying redis/postgres obligatory updates anymore.. in love with Railway's docker support

Twitter avatar for Lyes



There is an easier option. Deploying literally anything on @Railway

Twitter avatar for Benjamin Klieger

Benjamin Klieger


“Ship your apps, databases, and more to production in seconds.”@Railway is not exaggerating, it’s a breeze to deploy. Bringing Infinite Bookshelf online with a custom domain took minutes… and that just because I had to create a Dockerfile!

Twitter avatar for kinsyu



Addicted to organising my services in @Railway

Twitter avatar for Sam Newby

Sam Newby


The UX in deploying a new app on @Railway is probably the best I’ve ever used. Spinning up a new MySQL database was so easy and fast.

Twitter avatar for flavio



I'm using @Railway_App to get a PostgreSQL database in the cloud and tbh it feels like magic

Twitter avatar for Kyle McDonald

Kyle McDonald


Damn, @Railway is by far the fastest I've ever got up and running on a host. What an insanely good experience.

Twitter avatar for caeser_kv



@Railway for postgres, railway for deployment, railway for redis, railway for everything ❤️

Twitter avatar for recursed - oss/acc

recursed - oss/acc


i love how railway makes it super easy to just pull up your set up in front of someone and the architecture is communicated without saying a word.

Twitter avatar for Marc Klingen

Marc Klingen


👻🎃 Scary easy — @langfuse deployed on @Railway in 90 seconds

Twitter avatar for Aaron S

Aaron S


Typically, I avoid using PaaS but the team at @Railway is boosting development velocity so significantly that it's hard to ignore

Twitter avatar for Rami Abdou

Rami Abdou


We've been using @Railway at @colorstackorg since March, and it's been an absolute joy. The baked-in observability, variable management...chef's kiss.

Twitter avatar for Wilson Wilson

Wilson Wilson


.@railway has the best support among every PaaS I’ve tried.
< 1 minute responses. Every. Single. Time. 🤯

Twitter avatar for teo



Railway is really really good. Being able to deploy straight from a Github repo, detecting a root Dockerfile and using that to build, no need for any complex cicd, will redeploy for every push. Simple custom domain setup and env var management. Incredible developer experience.

Twitter avatar for Kyle McDonald

Kyle McDonald


Damn, @Railway is by far the fastest I've ever got up and running on a host. What an insanely good experience.

Twitter avatar for caeser_kv



@Railway for postgres, railway for deployment, railway for redis, railway for everything ❤️

Twitter avatar for recursed - oss/acc

recursed - oss/acc


i love how railway makes it super easy to just pull up your set up in front of someone and the architecture is communicated without saying a word.

Twitter avatar for Marc Klingen

Marc Klingen


👻🎃 Scary easy — @langfuse deployed on @Railway in 90 seconds

Twitter avatar for Aaron S

Aaron S


Typically, I avoid using PaaS but the team at @Railway is boosting development velocity so significantly that it's hard to ignore

Twitter avatar for Rami Abdou

Rami Abdou


We've been using @Railway at @colorstackorg since March, and it's been an absolute joy. The baked-in observability, variable management...chef's kiss.

Twitter avatar for Wilson Wilson

Wilson Wilson


.@railway has the best support among every PaaS I’ve tried.
< 1 minute responses. Every. Single. Time. 🤯

Twitter avatar for teo



Railway is really really good. Being able to deploy straight from a Github repo, detecting a root Dockerfile and using that to build, no need for any complex cicd, will redeploy for every push. Simple custom domain setup and env var management. Incredible developer experience.

5.4M+ deploys per month (and counting)

Real-time usage showing totals for users and services, along with 30-day deploys, requests, and logs.

A better future is now boarding

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