All Templates / Other
Cloudflare Tunnel
Sets up Cloudflare Tunnel within your Railway project
Just deployed
This template deploys a Cloudflare Tunnel within your Railway project.
Cloudflare Tunnel provides you with a secure way to connect your resources to Cloudflare without a publicly routable IP address.
Source: Cloudflare Tunnel
Ensure that there are no domains on the desired service, whether custom or Railway-generated.
Have the service you want to route traffic to listening on IPv6 -
Since Railway's internal network is IPv6 only the service will need to listen on ::
Start commands for some popular frameworks -
Gunicorn - gunicorn main:app -b [::]:${PORT:-3000}
Uvicorn - uvicorn main:app --host :: --port ${PORT:-3000}
Hypercorn - hypercorn main:app --bind [::]:${PORT:-3000}
Next - next start -H :: --port ${PORT:-3000}
Express / Nest - app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, "::");
Have your desired domain setup with Cloudflare's nameservers, they have a general guide for that here.
Have SSL/TLS mode set to Full.
SSL/TLS → Overview → Full
Goto your Cloudflare accounts home page → Zero Trust → Networks → Tunnels.
Click Add a tunnel.
Leave the Cloudflared option selected.
Click Next.
Name your tunnel
We recommend naming it in accordance with the Railway project that contains the service(s) you want to route traffic to.
Click Save tunnel.
Choose the Docker environment.
Click the copy icon.
Paste the command into a note for later use.
Strip out docker run cloudflare/cloudflared:latest tunnel --no-autoupdate run --token
to leave only the token.
Leave this page open
Open the project that contains the service you want to route traffic to.
Click Create → Template → Search for Cloudflare Tunnel.
When prompted, enter your tunnel token.
Make sure there is no leading or trailing whitespace.
Click Deploy Template
You should now see a connector appear!
Click Next.
Choose a subdomain or leave it blank if you want to use the root domain.
Choose a domain.
Choose a path, or leave it blank.
For type choose HTTP.
For the URl use your services' private domain and the port your app listens on.
E.g. api.railway.internal:8080
Click Save tunnel.
This is useful if you want to have a www subdomain or simply point different domains to the same Railway service.
This can even be used to point a subdomain or different domain to another service in the same Railway project.
Click on the tunnel name → Click Edit on the slide-out menu.
Click Public Hostname → Click Add a public hostname.
Follow the same steps as outlined in step #4.
We are done, you can now open the public domain and you will be routed to your Railway service!
Additional Resources
Template Content
Your Cloudflare Tunnel Token!
Railway Templates
Created on Jan 31, 2024
43 total projects
14 active projects
100% success on recent deploys
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