All Templates / Storage
MySQL InnoDB Cluster
Deploy a MySQL InnoDB Cluster for high availability
initService - delete when done
Just deployed
Just deployed
Just deployed
Just deployed
mysql router
Just deployed
This template deploys a MySQL InnoDB Cluster for a more highly available and redundant data layer.
You will need a Railway Public API token for the initialization service.
All communication between nodes is done over the private network.
To tune the configuration of the MySQL Cluster, refer to the MySQL documentation or the documentation page in Docker Hub.
An instance of the MySQL Router is deployed with the cluster. It is recommended to connect to the cluster via the MySQL router, instead of connecting to any one of the nodes directly.
For an example client which connects via the router, see the exampleApps folder in the source repo.
The source for this template can be found in the Railway Templates GitHub.
The MySQL nodes are built almost directly from the official MySQL image in Docker Hub, with the only customization being the addition of a my.cnf file.
Template Content
initService - delete when done
Your Railway API token
mysql router
Railway Templates
Created on Jul 4, 2024
41 total projects
7 active projects
67% success on recent deploys
Python, Shell, JavaScript, Dockerfile, Procfile
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